특징 1. Lifetime spectrofluorometer capable of making fast and simple fluorescence lifetime measurements down to 40 picoseconds 2. The most versatile and modular L-format system for the time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy 3. Measurement for the short lifetimes under 100 ps or perform lifetime measurements in NIR. 4. Open Architecture design 5. 다양한 accessories를 이용한 applications 지원 1) Peltier sample heater/cooler with rapid temperature control 2) Solid sample holder 3) Powdered sample holder 4) Cold finger dewar 5) Muscle strip accessory 6) Microcuvette 7) Polarizers 8) Four-position sample holder 9) Titrator 6. 다양한 options을 이용한 applications 지원 1) Dual Emission (T-format) 2) Steady State Upgrade 3) Phosphorescence Upgrade 4) NIR Upgrade 5) Light Source Upgrade : ps LDs, fs/ps mode-locked lasers
응용분야 1. Intrinsic protein fluorescence 2. FRET 3. Quantum dots 4. DNA binding 5. Fluorescence lifetimes 6. Protein-protein interactions 7. Protein-drug interactions 8. Anisotropy decays 9. Molecular photophysics 10. Photosynthesis 11. Semiconductors, glasses and ceramics 12. And many more!
Detection Technique
Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC)
Light Sources
ns LED s and LD s: 266, 280, 297, 310, 340, 368, 375, 403, 407, 432, 444, 456, 486, 510, 510, 633, 649, 667 nm