특징 1. Phosphorescence, fluorescence measurements 2. Kinetic fluorescence and phosphorescence measurements 3. 400ns 이상의 lifetimes measurements 4. pulsed xenon lamp 이용 5. 다양한 accessories를 이용한 applications 지원 1) Peltier sample heater/cooler with rapid temperature control 2) Solid sample holder 3) Powdered sample holder 4) Cold finger dewar 5) Muscle strip accessory 6) Microcuvette 7) Polarizers 8) Four-position sample holder 9) Remote sensing accessory 10) Integrating sphere 11) Stopped flow accessory 12) Titrator 6. 다양한 options을 이용한 applications 지원 1) Dual Emission (T-format) 2) Steady State Upgrade 3) NIR Upgrade 4) Lifetime Upgrade
응용분야 1. Gated lanthanide spectra and lifetimes 2. LRET 3. Room temperature protein phosphorescence 4. Low temperature phosphorescence spectra and lifetimes 5. Protein folding/unfolding 6. Protein-protein interactions 7. FRET 8. Luminescence of phosphors and inorganic materials 9. And many more!