Cee사의 Thermal slide de-bonder는 양산 적용이 가능한 Semi-automated 시스템으로 이중 가열된 플레이트를 사용하여 접착물질 이나 Wax를 접합된 wafer(GaAs, GaN, InP, SiC등)에서 용융점까지 가열한 뒤에 정밀하게 제어된 힘을 이용하여 캐리어와 device wafer를 밀어내어 분리 합니다.
특징 - Design permits in-house de-bonding of fully processed, proprietary ultrathin device wafers - Enhanced data logging feature provides detailed process feedback and record keeping - PC control allows virtually unlimited log storage - Compact footprint permits installation flexibility
주요사양 - Network connection hardware/software: RJ-45 Ethernet & USB port - Bond line axis precision ±1.5 nm - Specialized insertion and extraction end effectors with vacuum function (foot pedal control) - Visual and audible light tree alarm • Enhanced light curtain operation for seamless operation - Continuous abort override operation for “super user” - Hinged rear and side access panels