가장 최근에 개발된 자동시료채취 모듈이며 Syringe pump를 이용해 한 장비를 이용해 두 용출 시스템을 control 할 수 있는 유일한 장비입니다.
The Evolution 4300 is the most technologically advanced. feature rich dissolution sampler currently on the market. Combining an intuitive user interface with state-of-the-art electronics used to control the proprietary syringe pumps, the Evolution 4300 offers unmatched functionality and flexibility.
The Unique dual bath configuration has the ability to run two independent methods simultaneously from one autosampler saving time, money, and bench space. This unit comes equipped with many attractive standard features like; media recycling, media replacement, dilution of collected samples, and pH or volume adjustments in the dissolution vessel.