Flexible design for serial dilutions by row or column and can also be used for liquid transfers and pipetting operations for 96, 384, and 1536-well microplates.
Uses the unique easy-change head system from Apricot Designs, allowing the user to build a diverse head library with a reasonable investment. The heads are interchangeable with other Apricot pipettors.
The 6-position deck is user-configurable for portrait or landscape orientation to allow serial dilutions by row or column.
Automatic disposable tip loading and unloading. The disposable tip loading location is accessible by robotics for expanded capacity.
Intuitive graphical user interface via serial interface control.
Small footprint conserves bench space and fits easily into suitably-sized hoods.
Fixed tip heads with 8, 12, 16 and 24 channels.
Disposable tip heads with 16 or 24 channels for Apricot ESP tips or Biomek¢ç FX tips for 12 channels (TPS-24 automatically loads the correct number of tips for portrait operations).
Tip washing system with recirculating pump.
Serial dilution (by row or column)
Plate replication
Plate reformatting
Reagent addition
Compound addition