With an i-Pipette 96 quickly and easily perform a 96 channel pipetting method into all wells of a 96-well plate in one operation, or 384 at once with the i-Pipette 384.
Performs 12 times faster than an 8-channel handheld pipettor; pipette to all 96 wells without having to replace tips 12 times.
Reduce the tedium and potential repetitive motion injuries that come with multiple hand-held pipettings with an 8-channel pipettor.
Flexible design for liquid transfers and pipetting operations for 96 and 384-well microplates.
Uses the unique easy-change head system from Apricot Designs, allowing the user to build a diverse head library with a reasonable investment. The heads are interchangeable with other Apricot pipettors.
Economical and simple 1-position deck provides low capital investment and smallest footprint.
Easily controlled through a simple interface on a PDA; requires minimal operator training and no external computer is necessary.
Small footprint conserves bench space and fits easily into suitably-sized hoods.
Includes manual indexing plate to allow work with 96 or 384 plates (use indexer to work with 384 plates on 96-channel pipettor or to work with 96 plates on 384-channel pipettor).
Plate replication, Plate reformatting, Reagent addition Compound addition, Serial dilution (by row or column)